About the Creators

About Inkle Studios

Inke Studios Image

Inkle Studios is a game company that was founded in November 2011 by Jon Ingold and Joseph Humfrey. It is based in Cambridge, United Kingdom and focuses on interactive narratives. Besides their publication of 80 Days, the company has also recreated a game version of Steve Jackson’s Sorcery! series that was well-received following its release. In addition, they are responsible for the formation of inklewriter, an online tool that helps people to construct interactive fiction. It was a recipient of the “Best Website for Teaching and Learning” award from the American Association of School Librarians in 2013.

Visit the Inkle Studios website to learn more.

About Meg Jayanth

Creator, Meg Jayanth

Meg Jayanth is the mastermind behind the 80 Days game published by Inkle Studios. She splits most of her time equally between London and Bangalore and is also a freelance writer. Before creating 80 Days, she worked at BBC and has written about women and gaming for The Guardian. She is well-known for many of her contributions, but 80 Days is likely the most substantial. Her game was one of Time magazine’s Games of the Year in 2014 and was nominated for other awards as well. Meg Jayanth herself won the UK Writers Guild Award for Best Writing in a Video Game.

In this video, Meg Jayanth talks about her collaboration with Inkle Studios, provides tips for developing engaging games, and shares her unique process in creating the interactive narrative 80 Days.

Jayanth has engaged in multiple interviews telling of her motivations and expectations for 80 Days. To read these interviews, click on the following links:

Nerdy But Flirty
Campo Santo
The Guardian

Creator Meg Jayanth

Here is Jayanth’s official website. You can also catch Jayanth on Twitter @betterthemask or e-mail her at meg.jayanth@gmail.com.

To peruse game reviews for 80 Days, click on the following links:

Forbes Magazine
Touch Arcade
The Telegraph
PC Gamer
Hardcore Gamer

80 Day's Image

This page compiled by Erica Mooney.