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About Ernest Cline


Ernest Cline was born on March 29, 1972, in Ashland, Ohio. Cline is now an American novelist, spoken word artist, and screenwriter. In his early years, Cline spent a large portion of his young adulthood working many low-paying technical support jobs which permitted him to surf the Internet while on the clock and research his many pop-culture obsessions. Cline’s career made its debut in 1997 by performing spoken word at the Austin Poetry Slam. At the same time, Cline dipped his toes into screenwriting, resulting in works such as Buckaroo Banzai Against the World Crime League, Fanboys, and Thundercade, about a young video game junkie on his quest to beat the highest score, which is thought to have sparked Cline’ interest in creating Ready Player One just two years later. Cline now currently resides with his wife and daughter in Austin, Texas.




Austin Poetry Slam Champion in 1998 and 2001; faux educational filmstrip “Dance Monkeys Dance” translated into 29 different languages; screenplay Fanboys released as a film in 2009; sold first novel Ready Player One during a bidding war in 2010.

Learn more about Ernest Cline, read his Huffington Post interview with Ernest Cline, watch a video interview, and check out additional awards he has won for Ready Player One.